In solidarity with prisoners

January 31, 2011

Sometimes things happen that really shock and perplex me. On the website Indymedia, an anonymous poster “boasted” that he damaged cars and the Nottingham’s probation service office.  He has claimed that he did this in solidarity with prisoners!

Of course all he has really done is massively inconvenience staff and cause taxpayers money to be used to carry out repairs. Below are details of  this vandalism.

“Four of it’s vehicles had their paint stripped, tiers slashed and locks glued shut. All the doors to the building were also glued.

This was just a gesture, a middle finger flicked up at the prison system. To that system we say Fuck your attempts to control our lives, fuck you for imprisoning our comrades, and fuck your surviellence because we will not be stopped from having these moments.

These moments where the industrial prison complex, the culture of domination and capitalism can not stop us from responding with anger and disgust at the world that has been created.

This action is done in solidarity with all prisoners.”

Follow the link below to read more.